Specialist fields: During the last few years we have, among other things, been providing interpreting services in the following areas:
Automotive, banking, economic affairs, employment and social issues (supervisory boards and works councils), energy, environmental protection, IT & telecommunication, law, media, politics, retail.

Due to our excellent professional education and training (graduate degree at Heidelberg University, studies abroad in Cambridge (UK) as well as stays in the U.S.) and  long years of professional experience (since 1992) we are able to quickly acquire subject-specific terminological and technical knowledge.
After all, the high quality of an interpreter's output is also guaranteed by thorough preparation.

Membership in professional associations

Bundesverband professioneller Dolmetscher und Übersetzer in Deutschland
(Professional Association of Interpreters and Translators in Germany)

Verband der Konferenzdolmetscher im Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer 
(Association of Conference Interpreters)

The VKD's rigorous admissions process as well as the obligation of all its members to abide by a code of professional and ethical conduct testify to high quality, professionalism and team spirit within the interpreter team.

"Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort."
John Ruskin
1819-1900, English author, social reformer and art critic

Here you will find a small selection of renowned customers with whom we have been successfully working together for years:

3 M, Akademie Fresenius, Deutsche Richterakademie Trier, RWE, Stadt Neuss, US-Botschaft

Upon request we will send you our references and certificates - strictly confidentially - and supply you with an individual quotation for your specific needs.